The AJRR-C's Resource Core provides investigators with access to national total joint arthroplasty data through the American Joint Replacement Registry (AJRR), which is administered by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS). The AJRR is a national hip and knee replacement registry initiated in 2011 to monitor the safety of total joint replacement implants and improve care for patients receiving such implants.
Synergy in research
The AJRR is the largest total joint replacement registry in the world, with over almost 2 million cumulative procedures from several institutions around the country. The AJRR currently captures about 40% of all hip and knee replacement procedures in the United States.
Read the AJRR's recent annual reports.
The AJRR-C and the AAOS have established an ongoing, synergistic collaboration. The collaborative's Resource Core enhances the clinical research capabilities of the total joint arthroplasty research community by providing access to nationwide AJRR registry data. The AAOS, in turn, benefits from shared knowledge and methodological advances produced through the collaborative's studies.
Contact the American Joint Replacement Registry (AJRR) with questions about its projects, research tools and services, and other inquiries. Contact information is available on the AAOS Registry Analytics Institute website.
The American Joint Replacement Research-Collaborative (AJRR-C) uses the resources in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery on Mayo Clinic's campus in Rochester, Minnesota. The department is staffed by more than 50 physicians and almost 150 allied health staff.
In particular, the collaborative uses two of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery's large clinical registries:
- Mayo Clinic Total Joint Arthroplasty Registry. The Mayo Clinic Total Joint Arthroplasty Registry was established when the first total hip arthroplasty was performed at Mayo Clinic in March 1969. Since then, detailed manual data collection has been part of routine clinical care and follow-up for all patients. The registry contains information pertaining to almost 150,000 arthroplasties, of which 85% involve the hip and knee joints. Completeness of follow-up is impressive and remains at 70% even 30 years after surgery. Information recorded in the registry includes but is not limited to preoperative clinical details, surgical history, underlying diagnoses and indications for surgery, surgical procedure details, implants, radiograph dates, and complications.
- Prosthetic Joint Infections Registry. The Prosthetic Joint Infections Registry has been in operation for more than 20 years and includes clinical, laboratory and treatment details of all patients with periprosthetic joint infections who have received care at Mayo Clinic.