Home Cores & Services This section lists the services offered by the AJRR-C to advance total joint replacement research and provides information on support and resources provided by the collaborative's administrative, methodology and resource cores. Cores & services Research For patients Contact American Joint Replacement Research-Collaborative (AJRR-C) Services The American Joint Replacement Research-Collaborative (AJRR-C) provides customized services and resources to meet the unique scientific needs of the national total joint replacement research community. Learn more. Administrative Core Leadership, outreach & mentorship Methodology Core Clinical research expertise & data resources Resource Core Total joint replacement data from the American Joint Replacement Registry (AJRR)
American Joint Replacement Research-Collaborative (AJRR-C) Services The American Joint Replacement Research-Collaborative (AJRR-C) provides customized services and resources to meet the unique scientific needs of the national total joint replacement research community. Learn more. Administrative Core Leadership, outreach & mentorship Methodology Core Clinical research expertise & data resources Resource Core Total joint replacement data from the American Joint Replacement Registry (AJRR)