Home Cores & services Services The AJRR-C offers the following services to total joint replacement researchers nationwide: Access to the American Joint Replacement Registry Access to national and local databases Customized methodology consultation services to provide expert advice on study design, protocol development, statistical analysis, data management and study conduct Development of novel statistical and study design methodologies customized to total joint replacement research Education and mentoring resources Informatics tools specific to total joint arthroplasty, for automated data extraction from electronic health records Contact the AJRR-C to learn more.
The AJRR-C offers the following services to total joint replacement researchers nationwide: Access to the American Joint Replacement Registry Access to national and local databases Customized methodology consultation services to provide expert advice on study design, protocol development, statistical analysis, data management and study conduct Development of novel statistical and study design methodologies customized to total joint replacement research Education and mentoring resources Informatics tools specific to total joint arthroplasty, for automated data extraction from electronic health records Contact the AJRR-C to learn more.